WebAndSay.com Announcements

All the announcements relative to this web site are filed under this category.

Introducing web2generators.com for your web development needs

We are glad to announce the release of Web And Say's sister web-site named Web 2.0 Generators. Web 2.0 generators' aim is to provide free tools, helpers and ressources for all your web development needs. Currently, you can use the HTML Encoder and Decoder tool which converts the non-html, non-escaped input and converts it to HTML, highly useful in various cases, and generate a .htpasswd login and password key pair for your Apache hosted web sites. So head on to Web 2.0 Generators for free tools to speed up web development.

Average: 3.5 (12 votes)

Welcome !

Web And Say: All we have to say about the Web!
This web site will be about the web and all there is around it. The technologies behind the web, the news and people surrounding it, well... anything even remotely related to the web will have a part in webandsay.com

Average: 3.9 (8 votes)
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