
"On computer displays, a computer icon is a small pictogram. Icons have been used to supplement the normal alphanumerics of the computer. Modern computers now can handle bitmapped graphics on the display terminal, so the icons are widely used to assist users." More on Wikipedia...

Please wait till I finish my Favicon game

The web is an immense source of information. You can learn, read, listen or watch just about anything. But let's not forget what we, humans, tend to do on our free time: we love to play! We just play with everything: gazillions of games have been created, both material or immaterial such as computer games. Many devices have been exploited and engineered for the sole purpose of entertaining people. And just when you thought this should be enough, someone had the idea of putting a game in your Favicon. Brilliant!

Average: 2.7 (6 votes)

55 Free high quality Icon Sets

When the amazing Smashing Magazine won the Webinale Award 2008 with a price of 5000 €, they made a poll asking their loyal readers how they should spend this money. It turns out that we wanted more free stuff (who wouldn't ?) and free icons in particular. And they heard us by starting to provide more Icon related articles. Today they are providing a list of 55 Free High Quality Icon Sets and the least we can say is "great stuff guys"!

Average: 2.4 (10 votes)
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