You've obviously heard about Adobe AIR. But have you installed it yet or did you wait for some amazing application to require the AIR framework before installing it ? Well, that time might come thanks to the Lifehacker blog who have put up a list of the top 10 apps worth installing Adobe AIR for.
"Adobe AIR, a downloadable platform for running web-friendly apps on any operating system, is still pretty fresh on the market, but it already has a healthy number of applications in development or near completion. While many of them are simply desktop translations of web interfaces that were easy to use already, a handful of AIR apps truly make work and play easier, or just more interesting. Let's take a look at 10 applications that make it worth the effort of downloading and installing Adobe AIR."
Among those application are:
eBay Desktop - For eBay deal hunters, the eBay Desktop is a time- and frustration-saving interface to the auction site's search and purchase functions. Sellers have extremely limited functionality at the moment, something the official eBay developers are working on, but buyers get real-time auction prices and time-remaining counts, can click item-by-item on a search results page like a feed reader, and quickly flip through item photos. No refreshing at all, which for quick-trigger buying can make a serious difference.
Twhirl Twitter Client - The Twhirl full-featured Twitter client adds enough features and convenience to the mini-messaging social network that it almost starts to seem, well, productive. Quickly browse your followers and those you're following, direct message and reply with ease, get specific message alerts, and treat tweets like feed items with a "Mark all as seen" button. If you're going to use Twitter during your workday, you might as well make it quick and simple.
Klok Time Tracker - There are lots of web sites that claim to make project and time tracking easy for freelancers and by-the-minute workers, but Klok really delivers intuitive tracking to the desktop. Set up your own project aspects or use a template like "Web" or "Writing," then time your work by hitting the "Work On ..." button. The best part may be the graphs, charts, and reports produced by the little app, which are commonly restricted on "free" tracking sites.
Google Analytics Reporting Suite - If you own a piece of web real estate, Google Analytics is, as Gina pointed out, a seriously useful tracking tool. The Analytics Reporting Suite puts all the great data tools offered up free by Google into an easy-to-navigate, all-in-one container. Move fluidly from unique visits to pageviews, escape the wait for new data pages to load, and quickly filter data for specific time spans. This kind of interface-improving app is precisely what Adobe AIR was built for.
You can read on to know the full list...
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